Steam is a gaming platform that allows users to purchase and play games. Steam also offers a variety of services, such as the ability to create and share games with friends, as well as the ability to buy games and DLC. To find your Steam ID, you first need to sign in to your account. Once you have signed in, you will see a screen that looks like this: The first thing you need to do is find your name and email address. The name field is where you enter your full name. The email address is where you enter your email address. You can also find this information by going to the “My Games” section of your account and clicking on “My Games & Content.” This will take you to a page that looks like this: You will see a list of all of the games that you have purchased or played on Steam. The “ID” column will list the game’s identifier (in this case, “steam://id/1”). You can click on any of these game identifiers to learn more about it. For example, if you click on “steam://id/1/new_game,” then the page will show you information about the game, such as its release date and price point.

Your Steam ID is a 17-digit number that uniquely identifies your account on the platform. You may need this ID to link certain services (like Ubisoft) to your account. We’ll show you how to find this ID in the Steam app.

Your unique Steam ID also allows users to access your profile. For example, if your ID is 12345678912345678 , your Steam profile URL (web link) will be:

You can customize this URL so it’s easier for people to find you on this platform, as we’ll explain below.

RELATED: How to Change Your Steam Profile Picture

View Your ID in the Steam App

To reveal your ID, first, launch the Steam app on your computer. Make sure you’re signed in to your account in the app. Learn what to do if you forgot your Steam password.

From Steam’s top-right corner, select your name followed by “Account Details.”

On the account page, beneath your username, you’ll find your unique Steam ID.

Now that you know your ID, you can enter it wherever it’s required. It’s safe to share this with anyone as it’s not a sensitive piece of information.

Change Your Steam Profile URL

It’s extremely hard (if not impossible) to remember a profile URL with a 17-digit number in it. Luckily, you can simplify that by using a custom profile link.

To set up a custom profile URL, first, launch Steam on your computer. Then, in the top-right corner, click your name and select “View My Profile.”

On the right side of the profile page, click “Edit Profile.”

In the “General” section, click the “Custom URL” field and type the custom name you want to use in your profile link.

For example, if you use mahesh , your resulting profile link will be:

Save your changes by scrolling down the page and clicking “Save.”

And that’s it. Enjoy!

Are you curious to find Steam friend codes? If so, we have a guide showing how to do that.

RELATED: How to Find Steam Friend Codes (and Add Friend Codes)