If you’re a Redditor, you know that RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a great way to get updates on your favorite subreddits. You can add an RSS feed to any subreddit by going to the “subreddit” page on the Reddit website, and clicking on the “add RSS feed” button. Once you’ve added your RSS feed, you’ll need to set up your preferences so that your Redditor account will receive all of the updates from your chosen subreddit. To do this, go to “settings” on the Reddit website and click on “subreddits.” Under “subreddits,” you’ll need to select which subreddits you want your Redditor account to receive updates from. Once you’ve selected which subreddits you want your Redditor account to receive updates from, click on the “submit” button. Your Redditor account will now be updated with all of the latest news from those chosen subreddits!

Reddit is terrible, but some individual subreddits are great. If you’d like to keep track of particular communities, but never want to open reddit dot com in a tab ever again, RSS feeds can get the job done.

Reddit offers RSS feeds for basically every page you can open, allowing you to subscribe to them with the RSS reader of your choice or even integrate things with other services. And getting started couldn’t be easier.

Get an RSS Feed For Any Subreddit or Conversation

Head to any subreddit, and then take a look at the URL. We’ll use the best community on the site as a starting point.

To access the RSS feed, simply add “.rss” to the end of the URL. We’ve found this works with and without the final slash.

Open the URL if you like—depending on your browser, it might look messy.

Don’t be fooled: this is an RSS feed you can use just about anywhere.

Some of the bigger web-based feed readers—Feedly, for example—won’t play friendly with feeds from popular subreddits, because Reddit is limiting how much bandwidth they can use. Desktop-based RSS readers seem to work fine, however.

Note that you can add .rss to the end of pretty much any Reddit URL. For example, if you’re a glutton for punishment, you could subscribe to http://reddit.com/r/all.rss and see way too much content.

You can even subscribe to individual conversations: add .rss to the end of a post’s URL, as seen above, and you’ve got a working RSS feed.

Not everyone knows this, but it’s relatively simple to see every post on Reddit to a particular domain: just head to reddit.com/domain/ followed the domain of the website. For example, http://www.reddit.com/domain/howtogeek.com will show you every post linked to this website.

You can actually combine this trick with the RSS trick, allowing you to keep track of every time a particular domain is linked to without having to actually open Reddit.

This could prove useful, for example, if you run a website and want to keep track of Reddit links, if only to find out where that sudden surge of traffic came from.